Note that some of the participants are automated ( the Teller) and others are real people. 请注意有些参与者是自动化的(出纳员)而其他则是真人。
Note that there's nothing in this use case to prohibit the teller from remembering who Philip is. 请注意在这个用例中没有禁止出纳员记住Philip是谁。
After waiting on line at the Community First Bank in Fargo, North Dakota a man wrote out a ransom note and handed it to the teller. The teller gave him the money and he ran out the door. 在美国北达科他州法哥的第一社区银行,某男人在排完队轮到他办理业务时将一张勒索便条递给了柜员,柜员如数给了他现金后他夺门而出。
21-year-old Langston Robins walked right past a uniformed police officer at the Metropolitan Bank and handed a robbery note to the teller. 在首都大银行21岁的罗宾朗士顿从一名穿制服的警官身边经过把一张抢劫字条递给出纳。
For example, a downward departure may be warranted if in robbing a bank, the defendant merely passed a note to the teller, as a result of which the teller had a heart attack and died. 例如,在银行抢劫中,被告只是递一个纸条给银行出纳,结果该银行出纳心脏病发而死,这时向下的偏离是允许的。